17 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi


%96,  %71,  %65; these are the percentages of water in cucumber, earth and human body.
Water, is one of the four elements that can surround a living creature along with air. No other element shaped our world more than water. This element consists a huge part of lithosphere enabling life to emerge, forming civilizations, being a way for exploring new lands and shaping lands by it’s natural power and many more. Water was and still is highly vital. It is the reason for beginning of the life on planet earth as we know it and it’s the most essential element along with air. A human being can live without food for 3 weeks but for water this is just 3 days.

Before the birth, every human being in a womb is surrounded by placenta. Within this placenta there is a woman’s “water”; which is the amniotic fluid that works as protective liquid. In the beginning this amniotic fluid is mainly water with electrolytes. However by about the 12-14th week it is transformed to contain proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phospholipids, and urea. All of which are necessary for the growth of the fetus. Basically life starts by water and it is the most essential substance  to stay alive.

Circulating/ urinary system; Water in our body carries oxygen and nutrients to cells. It is the flush of the body to send the wastes out. ...

Throughout the history; all kinds of living and settling down stories are built around the existence of water. Our earliest ancestors who used to be hunters looking for food and water, discovered that agriculture is only possible by the existence of permanent water. They decided to settle down in a constant place around water and afterwards civilizations started to emerge. It is believed that the first civilization was formed about 5000 BC when humans started a settled life along the Nile’s banks, the longest river on earth.

In the history of the world we see water as a strong element being associated with various notions, feelings and emotions. Even if it slightly differs from land to land, water is mainly associated with healing and purification by all.

In most religions water is being referred as purifier. Water itself and some of the water sources are accepted by many religions as sacred or healing. Water Baptism in Christianity can be stated as an example for that. According to Christianity, believers are baptized and purified by holy water. Holy water is also believed to bless people, places, and objects. Besides Christianity, water is considered as a spiritual cleanser in many religious forms like Sikhism. According to Islamic mythology, God let Zamzam water flow from His Spring, to end Abraham’s son Ismael’s thirst.
 Water is taking place strongly in “Other world” depictions.
( heaven depictions, water of life, youth etc. .. ) -

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