24 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi


Water is the commonest symbol for the unconscious.
" The lake in the valley is the unconscious, which lies, as it were, underneath consciousness, so that it is often referred to as the ‘subconscious’ "says Carl Jung. The term “collective unconscious” that Jung creates, appears in one of his essays for the first time in 1916. Collective Unconscious is a term that he uses to depict the structure of unconscious mind which appears in between the same species. To give an example about human beings, the collective unconscious is formed by universal symbols such as the shadow, water, flood, tree of life etc. which are called as archetypes and instincts. Jung's ideas on archetypes were based in part on Plato's forms, Kant’s categories and Schopenhauer’s prototypes. Jung believes that emotions and feelings are being reflected to the archetypical nature of water. The complexity of human nature, profoundness of its imponderous inner being is mostly represented by water according to Jung.
Also according to Mircea Eliade water has a symbolic role in religion. And he says, the waters rule the beginning and the end of every cosmic and historic cyclic, supposing too, that the waters purify and regenerate because they annual the history. Therefor it is related with birth, death and rebirth

In physics; water is the only substance matter that can be found in three different phases of matter, gas, liquid, solid.  According to Masaru Emoto, water molecules have a memory. It can record feelings, thoughts, actions. All type of actions leave a mark on a water molecule which can be identified. To give an example; during his researches Emoto leaves a glass of water into a room where people are swearing and acting angry. After this session, a scan photo under a microscope shows; the water molecules transform into an embroiled, irregular heterogenous structure and change. In another session, a group of people who think and say beautiful things to a glass of water such as gratitude, love etc. and the microscopic scan of those water molecules are homogenous. The molecules transform in to various perfect geometrical shapes and they become regular. Dr Masaru Emoto, wrote  books  “The Hidden Messages in Water” and “The True Power of Water”, which describe the effect of positive affirmations on water molecules. In the movie “What the Bleep we know” Emoto’s researches are mentioned. But what Dr. Emoto says as a hypothesis hasn’t proved yet by any scientist yet he denied to do his researches again and compare the results

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