14 Kasım 2016 Pazartesi

(supposed to be) the abstract

This paper aims to focus on the theme ‘island’ as an isolated piece of land in relation to psychology and creativity. It aims to analyze the idea of island, as a water surrounded piece of land, where water can be considered as a binder of feelings and thoughts.As a strong and unpredictable element, water shaped the art making besides many things. By asking questions and giving examples with sociological, psychological,artistic references and correspondences, this paper will try to examine the idea of island and isolation in relation to creativity. I will select a term of Carl Jung as a baseline and ask if it’s possible to talk about the creativity under the light of Jung’s collective unconsciousness theory; Can we make a connection between isolation and creativity through the island as a metaphor? If this theory is right and we have a common pool of archetypes and instincts how do these effect creativity, how does it work? Does distance or isolation effect creativity or art making? Can we talk about the benefits of isolation to creativity or vice versa?
 (When we say distance, does it just refer to a physical concept? If we accept the body as the place for existence, can a distance between the body and mind be created or does it already occur?)

Key words:creativity, isolation, water, island, psychology,

1 Kasım 2016 Salı


Humankind exploring the sea travel, brings the world to another level. By building raft and ship, people started to travel via sea and explore new lands. This action makes water a unique weapon in the sense of owning lands by great powers.

It is always related with pshycological, sociological effects. It is a great way of punishment. When we take a look at the history it can be seen that issues such as displacement, to be excluded from society mostly ends up with a story in which those people are sent to a deserted island. The fact that a deserted island is surrounded by water and it can not be reached to or be freed from without a water carriage, makes water a great seperator. It is known that during the Ottoman period Prince Islands were used as isolation and quarentine places. There is a deeply sad historical incident taking place during Stalin’s time at 1933 known as Nazino Affair. 6000 people were going to be deported from country and many of them were left to an island which was later named as Death or Cannibal Island, without food, clothes, water but just flour. After a short while most them were death, killed them selves or eaten by the others.  We know the  One of te famous prisons of 19th 20th century was in a French island which was named as (Île du Diable) Devil's Island. 

In that sense, it is also a great cinematic influence. An autobiographic book; Papillion (1972)  written by Henri Charrière
, who was once a prisoner in the Devil’s Island and managed to run away was later on adapted to cinema. In this book Charriére writes his memories of escape attemps, adventures, imprisonment and his final escape in 1932. Most of the stories in the book was said to be %75 percent real. 
In Shattered Island, which is another book adaptation to cinema (written by Dennis Lehane, Directed by Martin Scorsesse) we see the story of two U.S. Marshalls investigating a psychiatric facility on Shutter Island after one of the patients goes missing.
Tom Hanks in 2002 with the movie Cast Away, a cargo plane crashes in to an uninhabited South Pacific Island and a FedEx employee struggles to survive alone in the island.

Water conflict

secured place, temenos, archetype, jung collective unconcious,museum, again secured place , antique cities surrounded by water